Title: "Sutter Buttes"? Artist: Brandon Lee Robenson, Fifth Grader Seen: 1996 Californa State Fair AKA: "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Sutter Buttes".
Tittle: "EYES" Artist: Darren Bowler (Son of CA Assebleman Larry Bowler) Possesed by: John Christensen
Tittle: "Friendly Alien Girl" Art-Tech: Ghek the Kaldane While working at the '97 State Fair Cosmic Carnaival, I snapped this young lady's picture with a Kodak digial camera, downloaded the snap into Kai's Power Goo, then printed it out with an Epson Color Printer...then I used my Snappy and camcorder to turn it into a jpeg. Its not called an Artslum for nothing.
A Dagger owned by my friend "Wizard" in Long Beach, CA... Four types of metal that have been folded many (200, j/k) times. Custom made by famous craftsman, don't be suprised to see it in a book some day.