Programs & Techniques Used

Hi, I want to encourage others to put up there own home pages, its easy and fun. I admit that I may have a few more resources than most at hand. I get most of my original pictures from 35mm film that I have had digitized when I had it developed. [I have found that my scanner does a better job.] But I also hand make things in art progams (Neopaint). Some gifs I have created using a Snappy hooked up to my camcorder (General Electric Images CG400). Most, are from my Artec ScanROM 4E. With it I can able to scan photos, slides, negatives, 35mm movie clips, or any flat thing up to 4" by 6" using a resolution range of 100 to 4800 dpi. My latest scanner is the Artec ViewStation AM12E for full page work. Artec may be a bit hard to find, but I am very happy with the capibilities and the software interaction.

picture of ScanROM 4E

            Above: The Artec ScanROM 4E

Below:Test scan of a 35 mm film clip, the Kargon from Highlander at 600 dpi.

Software I have used so far: HomepageWizard and Publishing Wizard from Compuserve...Fauve Matisse to crop images, it came with the Snappy.....Qbasic program ZHomeFix.bas which I created and is listed below....Telix communications program to call my BBS and gather the updates. ImageView viewing software (it came with the Mosaic browser] to recompress jpg's, add text and test for picture compatabiltiy.

This homepage goes beyond what HomePage Wizard normally allows. It was accomplished by embedding the code in headlines and then running a Qbasic progam on the htm page to un-embed it. So, outside of the inital embedding, no hand jiving was needed. I used it to embed a counter and some text page links.

Step 1: Embed the code in Homepage Wizard - Zhomefix can now
          create the code to embed for you - new version...still need to
        manually add #bot and #eot.
        (Remember to make sure that "#eot" has no trailing spaces
         or carriage returns...the browsers don't care but Qbasic does.)
Step 2: Save the Project
Step 3: Start the Publishing process...then close it at first option.
Step 4: Run the unembed Qbasic program...ZHomeFix.bas
Step 5: Compare byte counts for hompage.htm and homepage.fix
Step 6: Visually check homepage.fix for any problems
             Bad embedding now points to itself at end of bad line!
             (Probably indicates excess space in middle of line or that
              line needs to be broken into two embedded lines.)         
Step 7: Copy homepage.fix to homepage.htm 
         (Carefull people would keep copies of both as well.)
Step 8: Run the Publishing Wizard on its own.  
          (May have to make an icon)
         Make sure to include any Zips, TXTs or other files needed on
         page for chosing files.  (De-include anything that is previously
         loaded and has no changes to save time if they are big.)

REM ZHomeFix.bas by Mike Morrow...unembedds code slipped into HomepageWiz
REM it also creates the needed code execpt for the #bot #eot...and also
REM checks for bad embedded lines.
REM   Start with a non-centered
REM   Headline size six (smallest) paste in your html code as the text.
REM   and alter it as the example is altered -
REM      <BR>  <UL>  <LI>  <a href= "bigfile.txt" > NEW BOOK <a/>  </UL>
REM #bot$^BR%^$^UL%^$^LI%^$^a href=$#biffile.txt%#$^NEW BOOK$^a/%^$^/UL%^%#eot
REM ...a little messy looking but does the job. As in the example above
REM "<" becomes "$^",  ">" becomes "%^", beginning Double Quotes become "$#"
REM and ending Double Quotes become "%#" (this makes sure no extra space
REM sneakes into a quote)  The headline must begin exactly with "#bot" and
REM the last characters must be "#eot" so that the Qbasic program can get
REM rid of the headline code.  This program leaves spaces in the code when
REM it is translated, but then you can check the byte couts for both files
REM and they should match....if they don't then a line in the htm page was
REM longer than 256 characters and got shortened.
20 eot = 0
21 bot = 0
22 bgt = 0
23 elt = 0
24 bdq = 0
25 edq = 0
26 xline = 0
29 DIM cfix$(2, 6)
30 REM code to be substituted for later replacement
31 cfix$(0, 0) = "#bot"
32 cfix$(0, 1) = "#eot"
33 cfix$(0, 2) = "$^"
34 cfix$(0, 3) = "%^"
35 cfix$(0, 4) = "$#"
36 cfix$(0, 5) = "%#"
40 REM characters to be altered and then later restored '<>"'
41 cfix$(1, 0) = ""
42 cfix$(1, 1) = ""
43 cfix$(1, 2) = "<"
44 cfix$(1, 3) = ">"
45 cfix$(1, 4) = CHR$(34)
46 cfix$(1, 5) = CHR$(34)
88 PRINT "0 - codeprefix   1 - ghek97    2 - bufwav"
89 INPUT qfix
90 IF qfix = 0 THEN 100
91 IF qfix = 1 THEN 121
92 IF qfix = 2 THEN 124
98 PRINT "try input again"
99 GOTO 88
100 OPEN "d:/winprog/homepage/project/fixme.htm" FOR INPUT AS #1
101 OPEN "d:/winprog/homepage/project/fixme.fix" FOR APPEND AS #2
102 GOTO 130
121 OPEN "d:/winprog/homepage/project/ghek97/homepage.htm" FOR INPUT AS #1
122 OPEN "d:/winprog/homepage/project/ghek97/homepage.fix" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
123 GOTO 130
124 OPEN "d:/winprog/homepage/project/bufwav/homepage.htm" FOR INPUT AS #1
REM 125 OPEN "d:/winprog/homepage/project/bufwav/homepage.fix" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
125 OPEN "d:/windows/wav/buff/homepage.fix" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
REM If end of file, then close and end program
130 IF EOF(1) THEN 900
REM Read from htm code file
150 LINE INPUT #1, htmcode$
REM 151 xline = xline = 1
152 PRINT htmcode$
155 IF qfix = 0 THEN 500
REM Check to see if this line is special embedded code line starts "<h6>#bot"
REM ....only lines that start this way are affected.  To make embedded code
REM     use homepagewizard to make a non-centered headline of the smallest
REM     size #6.
200 p% = INSTR(1, htmcode$, "<h6>#bot")
205 IF p% < 1 THEN 700
220 MID$(htmcode$, p%, 8) = "        "
221 bot = bot + 1
REM Find and remove end of headline code...starts with "#eot"
229 echeck = 0
230 p% = INSTR(1, htmcode$, "#eot</h6>")
240 IF p% < 1 THEN 255
250 MID$(htmcode$, p%, 9) = "         "
251 eot = eot + 1
252 echeck = echeck + 1
255 IF echeck < 1 THEN htmcode$ = htmcode$ + "*** NO EOT ***"
REM Find embedded "<" Less Then
260 p% = INSTR(1, htmcode$, "$^")
270 IF p% < 1 THEN 300
280 MID$(htmcode$, p%, 2) = " <"
290 GOTO 260
REM Find embedded ">" Greater Then
300 p% = INSTR(1, htmcode$, "%^")
310 IF p% < 1 THEN 340
320 MID$(htmcode$, p%, 2) = "> "
330 GOTO 300
REM Find Double Quotes at start of embedded string '"'
340 p% = INSTR(1, htmcode$, "$#")
350 IF p% < 1 THEN 380
360 MID$(htmcode$, p%, 2) = " " + CHR$(34)
370 GOTO 340
REM Find Double Quotes at end of embedded string '"'
380 p% = INSTR(1, htmcode$, "%#")
390 IF p% < 1 THEN 700
400 MID$(htmcode$, p%, 2) = CHR$(34) + " "
410 GOTO 380
500 REM code prefix for insertion into H6 option...still need #bot #eot
505 FOR n% = 2 TO 4
510 p% = INSTR(1, htmcode$, cfix$(1, n%))
515 IF p% < 1 THEN 540
516 hits = hits + 1
520 htmcode$ = LEFT$(htmcode$, p% - 1) + cfix$(0, n%) + MID$(htmcode$, p% + 1)
530 GOTO 510
540 NEXT n%
550 GOTO 700
REM Send line to second file
700 PRINT #2, htmcode$
710 GOTO 130
905 IF bot <> eot THEN PRINT bot - eot; " Lines did not find the end"
910 IF qfix > 0 THEN PRINT "#bot = "; bot; "    #eot = "; eot
915 IF qfix = 0 THEN PRINT "hits = "; hits
999 END


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